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Divorce and...

family law


How tight will my budget be? What will happen to our company? How much will I get? How much will I have to pay? What is fair? Will I be able to make ends meet after the divorce?

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family law


How much time will the children spend with me after the divorce? And with my ex-partner? How can I make sure my children get through this with as little damage as possible?

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family law


I live abroad; can I get divorced in The Netherlands? Can I take my children with me when I return to The Netherlands? Can I take my children with me to live abroad?

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family law


Will my company be compromised? Can I keep my business out of the divorce? What are my obligations? What am I entitled to?

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family law


Do I have to pay spousal support? How do we share the costs for the children? How can I change the alimony payments? How much am I entitled to?

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Inheritance and...

inheritance law


Cash money has disappeared; what can I do? I’m being denied access to bank statements; how should I approach this? Can I get an advance on my inheritance?

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inheritance law


How do we distribute the items in the will? Some items have disappeared; what now? My brother/sister is not cooperating with the distribution; what can I do?

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inheritance law


How can I make arrangements with the (step)children? What are my rights? What are their rights? What is fair?

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inheritance law


Have you been disinherited? That doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t get anything. We can advise you about the legal rights of children and partners. Are you a child of…

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inheritance law

insurance policies

Uiteen can work with you to get an overview of all insurance policies such as concerning burial insurance, life insurance, annuities, etc. This will give you a better idea of…

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inheritance law


What does an executor do? What are my rights? The executor is not doing his/her job properly; what can I do?

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In a classic conflict in court, many cases remain unresolved. As a result, both parties end up spending a lot of money, feeling unsatisfied and dealing with recurring conflict situations. The damage for those directly and indirectly involved often lasts a lifetime. In the interest of you, your child(ren), your family, your wealth or your business, we believe that conflicts should be handled differently.

Others about Uiteen

  • "I received good advice, both for my business and emotionally. The interests of my company and my children were always safeguarded. It was very much in balance and helped us to move forward."

    Robert-Jan (34) father of two daughters and independent entrepreneur.

  • "My lawyer was helpful and cooperative and considered both the situation and the people concerned. She has extensive knowledge of the facts. This was very reassuring in a difficult period."

    Marlies (71) widow and stepmother of two adult sons.

  • "Thanks to the Uiteen approach, the communication between my ex-husband, my children and I has changed. The children are more positive about him and now enjoy their visits with him."

    Marije (36) mother of a son and co-owner of the family business.